Rice is considered as the most popular food grain consumed all over the world. It is used as a staple food in many cultures. Rice is prepared in many ways in breakfast, lunch and dinner and is enjoyed.

If plain rice is prepared, it is eaten with dal and vegetables and if someone does not have time or as per their wish, then by mixing some vegetables in rice and giving it the form of biryani, a complete balanced diet is also prepared and eaten which is prepared in a very short time. Therefore, rice is a complete food item in itself which is prepared in many ways and enjoyed.

Similarly, when rice and cumin are prepared through a recipe by mixing it together, it becomes more nutritious. It is prepared with Basmati rice and additional spices like cloves, cinnamon, bay leaves are also added to it to make it tasty and the quality of these spices also gets included in the food. 


Benefits of including  JEERA RICE  in the diet-

1- Source of energy – Rice contains carbohydrates in high amounts which provide instant energy to the body and it is an excellent grain for those people who want to increase energy quickly. If rice is mixed with cumin, it intensifies the production of digestive enzymes and helps in breaking down food and improving digestion. Eating cumin rice relieves problems like indigestion and flatulence.

2- Helpful in digestion – Rice is the most easily digestible food. People who have digestive problems are often advised to eat rice. Cumin is considered a good source of antioxidants which helps in fighting free radicals in the body and protects the cells from damage and also helps in reducing inflammation. It has low fiber content which makes the process of the digestive system smooth and the chances of stomach upset are also less.

3- Muscle recovery – Rice contains less amount of protein but still it helps in repairing the muscles. Also, when it is taken with other proteins, it helps in muscle repair. If it is mixed with food items, its usefulness increases even more

4- Rich in nutrients– Rice contains folate and many essential vitamins and minerals. Therefore, by preparing rice as a balanced diet, the benefits of rice are enjoyed. It is also rich in taste.

5- Different types of dishes- Rice is a grain that is prepared in many ways in different regions and places and is included in the diet, which increases its usefulness as well as its taste, such as pulao, biryani etc.

6- Storage facility – Rice can be stored for a long time, which makes it convenient for storage. It can be prepared in any way at any time and included in the diet.

7- Balanced diet– By preparing rice as a balanced diet by mixing it with many vegetables, proteins and fats, not only carbohydrates but other things are also obtained from it.

8- Boosting immunity – Cumin Contains iron, vitamin C and other essential elements that help boost the immune system, thus helping the body fight diseases

9- Helps in weight control – Basmati rice and cumin seeds help in weight control as basmati rice is low in calories compared to other types of rice. Cumin seeds help in reducing fat and make for a light, satisfying meal that makes for a balanced diet

10- Improved metabolism – For those who want to improve their metabolism system naturally, cumin is considered to be very nutritious and helps in increasing its activity

11- Helps in stress – The aroma of cumin has a positive effect on the mind as it provides a relaxing feeling that keeps the mind free from stress and anxiety

Cumin rice is not only a delicious dish but is also full of nutrients that help in controlling blood sugar along with having a positive effect on digestion.


Basmati Rice – 1 CUP Basmati rice is large and aromatic and tastes great

Cumin seeds – 1 ½ TBSP

Ghee or oil – 2 tbsp (ghee is used for better taste)

Water – 2 cups (water to rice ratio is 1:2)

Salt – to taste

Bay leaves – 2

Cloves – 2 or 3

Cinnamon stick – 1 small piece

Fresh coriander leaves – 2 tbsp finely chopped (for garnishing)




1- First of all, soak the basmati rice well in water and keep it for half an hour


2- After soaking for some time, wash it well with water


3- Now fill 4 to 5 cups of water in a big vessel in which you want to cook rice and put the washed rice in it


4- Now add bay leaves, cloves, cinnamon, and salt to this rice and boil it well


5- Boil the rice only to the extent that it does not stick together i.e. boil the rice only up to 80%-85%


6- To remove the excess water from the boiled rice in this way, filter it with a sieve and keep the rice dry for some time so that it looks crisp and each grain looks separate


7- Now heat two to three tablespoons of ghee in a pan and put two tablespoons of cumin seeds in this hot ghee to crackle, as soon as it starts crackling a little, add boiled rice to it and mix finely chopped green coriander the same time Mix the rice well with cumin and coriander leaves


8- Take out these rice in a serving bowl and garnish with some chopped coriander leaves


9- Now you can enjoy rice by eating it with any gravy vegetable



Tips and Pros –


1- While boiling rice, add some salt to the rice so that the taste of salt starts coming into the rice


2- If the rice gets overcooked, then do not panic in such a situation, rather spread the rice in an open vessel and keep it in an open vessel in a good manner and keep it open for some time, this will bring the rice to its right shape in a short time


3- If you do not like the taste of cloves, bay leaves, and cinnamon when they come in your mouth, then add them only while boiling the rice, later you can remove them from the rice while tempering